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SSL LUMI Goniophotometers 

Advanced C-type goniophotometers for general lighting applications


Advanced Goniometer Family LUMI (C-1R)

The LUMI goniometer models consist of the integrated electrical rack into one unit. The LUMI goniometers have several advantages:


  • Compact and stable setup with integration of a goniometer and device rack
  • Equipped by castors: Easy to transport
  • Opportunity to integrate the programmable DC power supply for the goniometer station and for the GPM gonio software
  • Motorized vertical arm and imaging camera integration to the goniometer station enables following automation features:
  • Automatic motorized setting of the luminaire onto the correct turning position

  • Automatic determination of the luminous area and the luminance distribution of the luminaire
  • Magnetic switches of vertical turning axis for absolute home position and for a more fail safe

Four goniometer models:

  • SSL LUMI 90, for luminaires of up to 0.9m and 6kg 
  • SSL LUMI 120, for luminaires of up to 1.3m and 15kg 
  • SSL LUMI 180 (earlier C-1R.1600), for luminaires of up to 1.8m and 25kg

The SSL LUMI goniometer models are equipped by the motorized sample holder for a faster sample mounting and by the motorized vertical arm for automating the photometric center positioning with camera integration. B type goniophotometer configuration is possible for measuring automotive headlamps with the same goniometer using B type mechanical extension. Below a few combined models are shown.

Goniophotometer SSL LUMI 90 

For panel lights, down lights, and small linear lights

Floor mounted goniometer station LUMI 90 is suitable for measuring spatial light distributions of medium sized and light-weight LED luminaires such as down lights up to 6kg and LED panels up to 60x60cm size. 


  • More stable turning makes possible faster measurements
  • Easy-to-use sample holders for panel lights, down lights and LED modules


Goniophotometer SSL LUMI 120 is designed for automotive headlamps and general lighting fixtures less than 1.2m long.


  • Spatial light distribution measurement of long automotive headlamps
  • Easy to change the measurement mode between C and B type photometry
  • Custom measurement angles
  • Simulations of isolux figures from headlamps at different orientations, and tilt angles.


4-axis Goniophotometer for measuring luminaires less than 1.8m and 25kg. 

  • Automatic photometric center positioning by the motorized vertical arm axis
  • Easier and faster sample mounting by the motorized sample holder
  • Please, see the video below

CIE S025 compliance regarding the burning position

The luminous output of some luminaires (e.g. heat pipe LED luminaires, fluorescent lamps etc.) depends on the position of burning relative to the vertical plane. In order to achieve reliable results, one needs to make the whole measurement or at least measure a reference value in the nominal burning position. The CIE S025 standard requires the photometric measurements to be made in the nominal burning position of the luminaire.

Burning position corrector SSL-BPC and Absolute lumen integrator SSL-ALI are accessories to be attached to a turning luminaire goniometer, whereas SSL DECO 27 is a compact goniophotometer with a moving detector that measures the photometric parameters directly in the correct burning position. 

Burning Position Corrector SSL-BPC

Burning position corrector SSL-BPC is an accessory attached to the rotator. The luminaire is pointing to the detector, which sees the luminaire from the same direction while varying the burning position. Thus the effect of burning position is measured and can be used in correcting the results.

The BPC can be attached to a B type goniometer. During the normal measurement the detector is turned away and it will not affect the measurement. 

Absolute Lumen Integrator SSL-ALI

Absolute lumen integrator is an extension to a C-type goniometer setup. The luminaire is attached in its nominal position, and the detector moved. In ALI model 1 the luminaire is rotated around its optical axis, and the detector perpendicular to it. in ALI model 2 the luminaire is attached to a separate stand, and the detector is rotated around it in two axis. Both ALI models are suitable for measuring decorative luminaires that have moving parts, e.g. crystal chandelier.

Goniometers designed and manufactured in Finland